Teacher’s Guide

Teacher’s Guide

Play-based learning and self-regulation are both current topics in education today. The joy of learning and the ability to recognize and care for our own needs and the needs of others are powerful tools at any age. This guide builds on The Yoga Game, inspiring mindfulness, providing details of how to do each pose and presenting numerous variations to use while playing/learning yoga. The guide illustrates how one yoga pose can create calm while another can stimulate. One encourages inner reflection, while another allows self-expression. Yoga can be used to introduce topics and lessons, to support smooth transitions and to create meaningful closure. Incorporating the suggestions and activities into a number of subjects, this guide demonstrates how yoga can be integrated into different curriculums.

Free download of Teacher’s Guide (2015)

Free download of Coloring Pages for The Yoga Game Series
Coloring Pages

Free download of original Teacher’s Guide (2012)
The Yoga Game_Teacher’s Guide

The Yoga Game Teacher’s guide is also available, at this link on Simply Read’s Website:



Tortoise Pose

Slow and steady wins the race!

What does this mean? Why is it important to practice patience? Tucking your head into your shell, draw your attention away from the outside world and focus on your inner world. Safe and quiet inside your shell, notice your breath, notice how your body is feeling, notice your thoughts. Take time to “check in!” Do you feel comfortable and at home in your shell? Do you feel comfortable and at home in your body?

Becoming mindful of our breath, our body and our thoughts can be a powerful practice. Why is this?